The security of your information is important to us, and in subscribing to the provisions contained
in the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act), we will only transact with you, the Points
owner. Should you wish for a third party (e.g. spouse, friend or family member) to transact on
your behalf, you can easily add them as an Authorized User on your profile.
This allows them to manage transactions of your choosing securely, while ensuring your personal
data remains protected.
Follow the simple steps below to load these users on your own, online:
- Login to your online profile with your username (Membership Number) and password.
- Navigate to ‘My Info’ > ‘My Details’ and then click on ‘Authorized Users’.
- Click on ‘Add New Authorized User’
- A new screen will appear, where you need to fill in the details of the third party whom you
are authorizing to transact on your behalf. - Only tick the boxes that are relevant to the permissions that you wish to give this person.
- Once you select the relevant boxes, the ‘Status’ field will change from ‘Inactive’ to ‘Active’.
- After completing these details, click on ‘Acknowledge & Save’.
- This person will then be added to your list of authorized users.
- Should you wish to edit the details of an authorized user or remove them from your
profile, navigate back to your ‘Authorized Users’ tab, and click on ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with this, please contact us directly.