Can someone else make a booking on my behalf?

Yes, but only with your permission.

iExchange is committed to protecting your confidential information. As such, we prefer to liaise directly

with you as the main member or Points owner. 

That said, we understand that you may require an alternative individual to receive specific information, or

transact on your behalf.

Should you wish to authorise a third party to handle transactions on your behalf, please follow the

simple process below:

Step 1:

Download an Authority to Transact form found below (Bear in mind that individual forms need to be completed, shouldyou want to authorise multiple persons to transact on your account.)

Step 2:

Complete the form, taking care to indicate which transactions in particular you are allowing the third party

to be able to do on your behalf. If there is more than one owner or member, both must sign the form.

Step 3:

Print and scan the form and email it back to [email protected].

Provided the document received is in order, please allow 2 to 3 working days for the Authority to Transact

form to be processed. You will receive acknowledgement once the document has been processed.

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